I’m gonna walk you through the following steps to get ready for a future tournament!

1. Become a USA judo member:
Cost: 100 dollars there is family discount for 2 or plus athletes.
Link here: https://auth.sport80.com/saml/login?SAMLRequest=hZLJbsIwEIbvPAXyHbJAILUAKYUuSBQQ0B56qabOBFwldupxurx9
2. Have your membership card number ready to go (print) Needed for registration in tournament and day of competitio.
3. Each competition has their own feeds and registration form. Please Pay attention (ask questions)
Link here:
Nick Delpopolo Training Camp: TBD
Michigan Judo Championship: https://app.eventconnect.io/events/19385/registration-type/create?nav=hidden
Youth National Championship:
4. If any Athlete is going to compete in two division make sure to let the coach know.
5. Search for hotel or Airbnb‘s in the area where the competition will be held. Make sure is not farther than 10 miles from the arena.
6. All athletes will need a white and blue belt (each kid)
7.If any athlete needs to cut weight for the competition need to start One month and a half before the tournament.
8.Educate yourself read about the sport and rules.
9. Last but not least encourage your kids or yourself, to listen to the couch, train hard and have fun!